Our repertoire consists of dances performed in soft shoes and hard shoes (Irish tap-dancing). Our choreographies are dynamic and danced both to traditional and modern music. Their task is to take the spectator into the world of magic, fantasy and flickering emotions.

We oweseleffer

  • performances at occasional events and bonding events for companies
  • dancing workshops including classes in Irish solo and group dances
  • performances (e.g. at festivals), dancing shows to the accompaniment of music bands
  • organization of ceilidh events (pub), competitions and games (connected with Celtic legends and tales)
  • theme events at school trips, summer and winter camps

Technical requirementswarsztaty ceili

  • stage – stable and even with elastic surface or a separated part of floor with minimum dimensions of 4m x 5m (the surface cannot be slippery!). Due to safety considerations, performances directly on concrete and asphalt are excluded
  • technical facilities: dressing room for dancers and sound system